A Royal Army

 Behold! A royal army,

With banner, sword, and shield,

Is marching forth to conquer

On life's great battlefield.

Its ranks are filled with soldiers,

United bold, and strong,

Who follow their Commander

And sing their joyful song:

I have been sing this hymn in my mind for the last few weeks, and thinking of mighty armies in the cause of the Lord.

The army of Helaman, 2,060 strong, marching forth to battle the Lamanites.  They were young, but young men of faith, taught by their mothers to have faith in the Lord; that he would preserve them.

"they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually." (Alma 57:27)

Ever since our mission tour in September, I keep being reminded of another army, the army of Gideon, that began with 32,000, but was whittled down to 300,  lest they would think "Mine own hand hath saved me." (Judges 7:2) The mighty Midianite army was delivered into their hands.

The missionaries here in "Cauayan Zion" are our Royal Army.  Once numbering 203 they now are 87 in number.  They were locked in apartments for a couple of months, and have been under quarantine since March. 

They have found ways to fulfil their purpose.  They have used their time to improve and prepare.

They have learned new ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

They have trusted in God to help them.

We reached our goal of 550 for 2020, plus a few more.  Gathering those who have been prepared to hear our message.

And they will not stop.  We will continue to get smaller.  But this work will not fail.  We are prepared to see miracles.

2021 will be a great year.

Victory, victory

Thru him that redeemed us!

Victory, victory,

Thru Jesus Christ, our Lord!

Victory, victory, victory,

Thru Jesus Christ, our Lord!


  1. I love reading about the miracles and work on your mission. Thank you for sharing them so well.


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