Every six weeks we begin another cycle here in the mission. The departing missionaries leave, and the new ones arrive. They both have one thing in common, they are scared to death! This also marks transfer day, so it is a busy day all round.
Going home! |
February 26th marked the Transfer/Departure/Arrival day for the mission. The departing missionaries arrived on the 25th, to have their departure interview with the president, and also to get their luggage weighed and their accounts closed up. Every departure gets harder. We grow very attached to these missionaries, and it is hard to say our good-byes. We have dinner for them that evening, and show a departure video and have testimonies.
New Arrivals! |
Wednesday morning begins early, feeding everyone breakfast, then off to the airport to get them checked in. After they are settled, we wait outside for the arriving missionaries. As there is only one flight a day from the Cauayan airport, the departing missionaries leave on the same plane that brings the arriving missionaries.
Last week we sent 8 home and had 9 arrive.
We are on the run all day, welcoming, interviewing, orienting. The Trainers arrive mid afternoon, and we send them off to their areas.
One of our departing Elders had an amazing last week of his mission. He had been assigned 4 1/2 months ago to go North to Baggao, and open the area for missionary work. He and his companion started from scratch. Because there is not a unit of the church in Baggao, the two Elders live in Alcala, and travel at least an hour every day to their area. Transport is not available after 5 pm, so they needed to be resourceful, getting out and working first thing in the day and coming back to study in the evening. They were diligent, and there have been miracles! On his second last Sunday, they held a sacrament meeting in Baggao, meeting in the home of a member. 70 people were there! Many had come from Alcala to support them, but 25 people were from Baggao. We hope that there will soon be a Branch in Baggao.
First sacrament meeting in Baggao |
They had 4 baptisms his last weekend in the mission, 2 on Saturday and 2 on Monday.
The man in the middle flew all the way from Washington, USA to baptize his cousins. |
We were able to meet the two sisters that were baptized on the Monday. Delightful ladies, that travel 2 1/2 hours to get to church each week. That is a commitment that many would shy away from.
It is a privilege to be here and see the Church grow. It is a privilege to be among these wonderful people. It is a privilege to work with these faithful missionaries and watch the Church be established here in the Philippines.
What miracles happen when we are obedient and faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ !