It seems like we were still in July with this tropical climate, but last week were our Christmas Zone Conferences. We held two conferences, one for the South Zones on Tuesday, and the other for the North Zones on Thursday, so that we could enjoy some special entertainment by the youth in the Cauayan District. I always love Zone Conference, but being Christmas, this was an even more wonderful week.

We started out each day as we would any regular Zone Conference. We both spoke on the Savior and His mission and ministry, and how that can bless our lives and missions as we truly understand and appreciate His marvelous gift to us. As part of my message, I recited The Living Christ, that I memorized in 2018. This wonderful testimony of Christ by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has taken on new meaning to me as I have studied its message and learned the words, paragraph by paragraph. I add my testimony that "He is the life, the light and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son." That is why we serve, to help proclaim His message and gather His children home.

After some training by the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders and the Assistants, we broke for lunch. Our afternoon was more of a Christmas Party, with native dancers, a talent show by the Zones, a Christmas movie (It's a Wonderful Life) and stockings for every missionary. The stockings had some socks and treats, an orange and a mission tie for the Elders and a mission umbrella for the Sisters. The native dancers were organized by Elder and Sister Infante, who are doing such great work here in the mission.

Coconut Dancers |
Pandaggo Dance |
Tinikling Dance - the bamboo is opened and closed in rhythm to the music, while the dancers do their steps and don't get their feet trapped between the bamboo. We also tried it afterwards, and failed miserably! |
Sister Dador singing a song she wrote about missionary work, accompanied by Sister Summers |
Hakka by Elder Lautaha |
Elder Mitchel leads the Roxas/Burgos Zone in a Hakka |
I had been holding all of their packages until Christmas Zone conference, (because I know they open them the second they get them) so they were also waiting with great anticipation for receive their packages from home!
We were also excited to receive a package from friends and also one from our children. I can proudly say that they have not been opened yet! We are saving them for tomorrow!
South Zones |
North Zones |
Love and miss you but do not wish you home❤️😍