It has been a long few weeks since I updated the blog. I wasn't going to talk about this, but I keep thinking that I should. For it wouldn't be a real picture of our mission if I made it lopsided and only told the good parts. At the end of September I got sick. Cold symptoms, nothing really out of the ordinary. I had been experiencing a bit a congestion for weeks. I got better for a few days, even went on the Banuae trip, but then it came back even worse, and I was out of commission for another week. I was basically making the appearances I needed to, but sleeping most of the time. I didn't realize how homesick I was until our friends, Cayetano and Thelma Infante arrived to serve with us for the next 6 months. I cried as their car arrived in the driveway on October 8, and drug myself over to the office to greet them. It is so good to have them here. I started to get better, but then it came back again, worse this time,...