Promises made

March 11, 2021 was a great day, it was new missionary day. When the new missionaries arrive from the MTC (Missionary Training Centre) (or the virtual MTC during the pandemic) it is always exciting and fun. We stand in the airport parking lot and wait for them to de-plane. Finally, they emerge from the arrivals area of the airport and they are with us. We have been anticipating their arrival for weeks. We have been reading their mission applications and praying for their safe arrival. Now they are here. They are always very nervous but also excited. More excited than nervous. Today we have 5 missionaries arriving, each one promising, bright and happy (tired, but happy). With the first four I practice proper social distancing and only give them a light fist bump and a big smile. When the fifth and final one steps into the waiting area I cannot contain my excitement and give him a huge hug. This was E...