The Evacuation of Foreign Missionaries

“It is with broken heart and head bowed in sadness, but not in shame that I report that I must go today to arrange terms for the surrender of the fortified islands of Manila Bay.” As General George Wainwright prepared to surrender the Philippine Islands to the Japanese on May 6, 1942, he cabled the foregoing advice to President Roosevelt. Brave smiles hiding broken hearts This week my heart understood more deeply the emotion of those words. Last Monday we were invited to attend a meeting via Skype with the Area Presidency and all other Mission Presidents serving in the Philippines. During the meeting, we were informed that it was anticipated that in the next few hours we would receive instructions from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles to evacuate all foreign missionaries, because of borders to countries closing due to CoVID-19. The news plunged like a knife into our hearts. We knew our young missionaries would be heartbroken to leave...