Mission Tour with Elder and Sister Schmutz

Our Area President, Elder Evan A. Schmutz and his wife came for a tour of our mission last week. A mission tour is an annual event, and they come to meet and train the missionaries and also us. Many hours go into preparing for the event. I am getting more comfortable cooking here, so that wasn't as stressful this time as it has been in the past. They arrived early Tuesday morning. We picked them up at the airport and brought them back to the mission home for a quick breakfast before the first Zone Conference. We had been up most of the night with a sick missionary, so we were running mostly on adrenaline. All of the missionaries that are in the areas in Cauayan and north attended the conference on Tuesday. President Craig and I started the training, speaking together and talking about Joy. After we spoke, the remainder of the day was Elder and Sister Schmutz, talking about missionary work, how to teach repentance, and the Book of Mormon....