This is Sister Craig, She is Very Fat!

Donna and I had our first District Conference yesterday and today (a large meeting of 7 congregations). Donna and I spoke at it. Many of the people at the conference had never met us so I introduced Donna. I had her stand on the rostrum, and intended to say, in Tagalog "This is Sister Craig, she is very beautiful". I got confused and changed the last word from "Maganda" to "Mataba". What I literally said was, "This is Sister Craig, she is very "FAT!" The congregation was a little stunned as they did not know what to think...was I joking, confused or just a jerk? She looked at me funny, and said, "Mataba? Really?" Then I realized my mistake, and everyone laughed. I am sure that I made many young missionaries' journals and letters home with that one. Other than publicly insulting the greatest person in my life it has been a great week. After a long day of interviews on Thursday, we travelled two and a half hours n...