Learning at the Feet of an Apostle

Last Thursday morning at 4AM almost all missionaries in Cauayan Mission were awake. Most were too excited to sleep and wanted to be ready on time. Sister Craig and I managed to sleep in until 5AM. Typically missionaries are up at 6:30 but this day was an exception. A man esteemed by members of the Church as a prophet, seer and revelator, Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, would meet with the entire Cauayan Mission at 8AM in Cauayan. With over 16 million Members of the Church in almost 200 countries across the world, this would be a rare treat indeed. Few if any of our young missionaries had ever met a member of the Quorum of the Twelve before. Their excitement was contagious. Elder and Sister Renland made a 10 day trip to the Philippines and our mission was fortunate enough to be chosen to be one of the missions he would visit. The sheer volume of travel and work that the Apostles and other General Authorities of...