
Showing posts from June, 2021


 On March 14, 2020 I awoke in the night about 4 AM.  Typically, I go right back to sleep, but for some reason I thought to check my email before snuggling back into my bed.  To my shock, there was an email sent late in the night telling me I would receive 6 new missionaries at 9:30 that morning!  No missionaries were expected that day, so I was shocked.  Sleep was no longer an option as I lay in the dark trying to figure out what to do with this unexpected blessing.  At 5:30, Sister Craig rolled over and asked what in the world was I doing sitting in the dark staring into space.  I showed her the email.  Now we were both wide awake.  At 6:31 I phoned my Assistants and said, "Get over to the office as soon as possible."  I told them the Missionary Training Center in Manila (the MTC) was closing because of COVID.  We were receiving 6 missionaries; 5 of them on a temporary basis until they could travel to their permanent assignments....