Grateful for COVID

As Christmas approaches I find myself becoming more sentimental. This is my 5th Christmas in the Philippines. Two were spent here as a young missionary, one when Donna, our sons and I visited my Mother and her husband while they served a mission here, and now this is our second Christmas here in Cauayan as a Mission President and Companion. Each Christmas here has been wonderful, as we love the people and places of the Philippines This Christmas will be the most unique one I have had or will have here. There remains here, as in most places in the world, significant restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a strange way, however, I am grateful to have served as a Mission President during this pandemic. To be clear, the Pandemic has been far more than inconvenient. It has been remarkably hard. I will never forget the shock and heartbreak of sending 99 missionaries home unexpectedly as we evacuated all foreign missionarie...