When the children of Israel journeyed in the desert, they had no food, and wondered what they would eat. They cried unto Moses. The Lord rained down bread from heaven for them. For 40 years, the children of Israel ate manna, the bread which the Lord gave them to eat. It saved them from starvation, and they knew that it came from the Lord. (Exodus 16) For months we have watched the mission shrink a bit more each cycle, as more missionaries completed their missions and returned home, and we had none to replace them. This week we received 16 new missionaries, whose homes are in the Cauayan Mission boundaries. As we began our orientation on Wednesday, our hearts were full. President Craig told them they we had prayed them here. As I pondered what I would say to them, I thought of Moses and the children of Israel. These fine young missionaries were our "Manna". They are a gift to us from the Lord. They will save us from starva...