A Year in Reflection

This coming week Donna and I will reach our one year mark in the field. This anniversary of sorts has caused me to reflect and remember. Time has gone fast and the experiences have been life changing. As I reflect, I present 10 memories and reflections about the past year in no particular order of importance as follows: 1. I still love the Filipino people. I fell in love with these kind, gentle, happy people almost 39 years ago when I first served here as a young missionary. It is called the land of smiles and hospitality. To newly arriving foreign missionaries I invite them to nod (here you nod raising your head not lowering it) and smile at the first 10 strangers they pass on the street. They report that 8 to 10 smile broadly and nod back. I then ask them how many would smile at a stranger and nod back at home? Not many. traveling salesman (there is a motorcycle under there) 2. Young missionaries. ...