On Gardening

Mango season is beginning, and I have been looking forward to this for the last 10 months, when I discovered that they are seasonal here. I had anticipated eating mango every day for the next three years when I arrived, so you can imagine my dismay to find out that doesn't happen up here in the "Wild West". Technically, I guess we are on the East side of the island, but I can't think of an "E" word to go with East that will work. The only "E" words that are similar to "wild" in the dictionary are "empty", "extroverted", "enraged", or "eager", so I still say I live in the "Wild West". Anyways, the mangos are divine, and I am eating as many as I can while they are here. I wish I could bring a mango tree back to Canada when I come home, but unfortunately, I think it would die in my Alberta garden. The highlight of the week was learning that our smartphone delivery had been expedited...