Salenga Family

In a recent Zone Conference (a larger meeting of about 75 missionaries) I took a walk down memory lane. I spoke of meeting and teaching the Salenga Family in 1982. They were one of those great families that I fell in love with all those years ago. In the fall of 1982, I was serving in the cities of Hermosa and Orani in Bataan. It was my first and favourite area because I was there for 7 months. The family did not join the Church all together and make one nice photo all in white in front of the font. First I just taught the mother and oldest daughter Lorna. Lorna was very spiritual and immediately receptive. Her mother was more traditional and hesitant. When we finished teaching them, the mother refused baptism but readily gave permission for Lorna to be baptized. Undaunted, my companion Darren Tagg continued to pursue the mother to make the commitment of baptism. Elder Tagg was fearless, and after a particularly powerful lesson wher...